New! And Exclusively Ours! From J.R. Clancy...Positive Action Pipe Clamp That Safely Han~ The Heaviest Manufactured Lighting Fixtures You'll hang and focus your lights faster and safer with J.R. Clancy's revolutionary new Sure-Clamp. No more holding the spotlight in position while tightening a bolt. The weight of the fixture automatically closes the jawlever on the pipe. Anticipated availability September 1st 1978. Suggested list price $25. l o t) @ Sure-Clamp: the kind of innovation you expect from J.R. Clancy. ~n CL6NCV 7041 Interstate Island Road Syracuse, N.Y. 13209 (315)451-3440 . Patent 3784140 Broad clamping range. Holds up to 2/1 a.D. pipe. Safe and secure. Positive locking at 3 different points with hardened steel jaw-lever that grips firmly to the pipe. Quick set-up. Just hand-spin the tightening !mob and the clamp is secured.