GAFFERS (THE REAL THING!) $6.75 DUCT Scenic Paints, Lighting, Tools, Special effects. Draperies on quotation All rolls are 2" wide, 60 yards long No Limit, No Minimum Large Stocks Immediate Shipment Available from the Obvious Source ... Write On Your Le"erhead For Complete Catalog TECH THEATRE INCORPORATED 4724 Main Street - Lisle, Illinois 60532 Telephone 312-971-0855 You are invited MUTUAL HARDWARE CORP. 5-45 49th AVE., LI.C., N.Y. 11101 (212) 361·2480 STATE or THE ABC ~ toseewhy FOLLOWSPOT Tech Theatre has other supply houses by their gobos. * 115 Volts at 5 Amps. * 900 Footcandles at 100 ft. * 3 to 1 Zoom Optics * Douser * IrIB * Clipper ·6 Colors * 125 Lb*. U.S. Manufactured high intensity arc bulb (Starting with our discounts.) 5000° Kelvin ~=a.~ lJ V TECH THEATRE INCORPORATED 4724 Main Street - Lisle, Illinois 60532 Telephone 312-971-0855 _ u.s. user IJrice $3195. _L manufactured~. the PHOEBUS in the U.S. by \ ~ ~ COMPANY inc .>.] 145 Bluxome Street San Francisco 94107 I Call Us Today 5. (415) 543-7626