Roscolux Diffusion: a handful of materials that change the character of light .. . magically' Lighting Wizards everywhere now have a whole new set of tricks with Rasco's Diffusion Materials. These remarkable materials change the character of light. They convert a Leko beam shape into one that is characteristic of a Fresnel. They alter the shape, the shadows, even the feel of the light on your stage. The price is right. too. A single sheet of any of Rasco's diffusion materials is only 53.75, and you can bUy a whole Diffusion Test Kit for just 514.95. The kit contains the full range of diffusion materials in usable 10" x 12" sheets. It allows you to testand use-the newest idea in theatre lighting magic. The photos provide only the first clue to the wizardry you can perform with your own stage lighting instruments. Try the Diffusion Test Kit. or a range of Rasco Diffusers today You'll find both at your Rasco dealer, nr write Rasco directly Same lighting Instrument, but with #103 Tough Frost In the color frame. Note the soft edges of the beam and the effect on the shadow. 36 Bush Avenue. POrl Chester. New York 10573 914 937-1300 1135 North HIghland Avenue Los Angeles. CA 9003B 213 462-2233 69/71 Upper Ground. London SE 19 PO England 01·633·9220 #104 Tough Silk was used here. It alters the shape of the beam to produce a dramatic slash of light. This shape can be oriented and controlled to light a stairway or to eliminate the "scalloped" effect on a cyc.