You are invited The world famous PERFORMER" isn't always the best choice! toseewhy ..CD Tech Theatre has other supply houses by their gobos. (Starting with our discounts.) TECH THEATRE INCORPORATED 4724 Main Street - Lisle, Illinois 60532 Telephone 312-971-0855 E Sometimes the best choice is PERFORMER'II! PERFORMER' II incorporates the outstanding teatures of the PERFORMER' with unique .. new features; software patching of dimmers a as many as 125 control channels; an encoder for adjusting channel levels and fade ~ times, additive and subtractive ~ group mastering; flash buttons and a "gold" access button for functions such as dimmer I(]iegl Bros. check and master set-ups, 32-3248 Avenue Options include a pocket-sized Long Island crty. Portable Remote'' Printer', Auxiliary Newlbrl<11101 212-786-7474 Control Panel; and Trouping Case, Telex:960158 Write or call for our free brochure. 0 I.. G) A. The best choice is always KJiegl ! kliegl Professional Instruction in DIRECTING ACTING * PLAYWRITING TECHNOLOGY DESIGN USITT/Fall.1981 Theatre Design & Technology 33