Skirpan Lighting Systems. Light years ahead. "For' five years, Ski,'pan Memory Control Lighting Systems have been used by all the major' networ'ks, as well as many educational and professional theatres, and we've never' had any facility downtime:' Only Stephen Skir'pan (above) can say that about his lighting systems. AUTOCUE 80 MAKES LIGHT PEN CONTROL AFFORDABLE. CUELOG CONNECTS WITH YOUR MANUAL PRESET SYSTEM. This microprocessor based system features time-saving Light Pen technology which is easy to use It also includes keyboard and fader handle control With Autocue 80 you get Skir'pan quality now at a lighter pr'ice This desk top lighting system featur'es a high speed micmprocessor with semiconductor memory and pr'inter interface. It adds computer' capability to your present manual system Lets you use your' manual controllers to program the computer or' as an independent backup K-SERIES DIMMERS FOR COST/SPACE ECONOMY. A compact dimmer' system hat contains up to SIX dimmer's in one modular' frame With a 3% performance tolerance, the K-Series dimmer is designed for' maximum cost and space efficiency ~ Skirpan continues to lead you out of the dar'k with the most advanced lighting systems. Anywher'e To ar'range a free demonstr'ation, call our local sales repr'esentative in YOLW area. LIGHTING SYSTEMS 1100 Chestnut St Burbank CA 91506 (213) 843 3232 TWX 9104984987 Tele' 19 ..\855 REGIONAL OmrES EASTERN 212 27ยท17222 MIOWEST 3121369071 S EASTERN ..j ,.1 3555255 S '.'.'ESTER A Subsidiary of COlllpac Video Systems rnc 21,1 7BJ ,.j.: