In a world of hot lights ... Roscolux colors live longer: Every theatre Wizard knows the problem: today's theatre lights are hot-and the most intense heat is usually focussed on the color filter. That kind of heat can cause the filter to fade, or even meltl That's why theatres everywhere are switching to Roscolux. This remarkable series of filters will take the heat better than any other filter made - by Rosco or anyone else. There's no magic to it. Roscolux lasts longer because the color is saturated throughout the filter material, notjust coated on its surface. Roscolux was specially developed to meet the requirements of hot lights and is now the recommended material for nearly every theatrical fixture in use today Standardizing on Roscolux expands your creative freedom, too. because it allows you to choose from among 103 colors and diffus~rs. This enormous range. far more than in any other filter line. offers the flexibility of subtle or dramatic color and diffusion changes. Roscolene and Roscogel have performed valuable seNices for theatre Wizards for many years. But for today's hot lights. only Roscolux will do. Be sure you ask for it by name. ~~iJ!I THE ROSCOLUX SWATCH BOOK. It contains samples of all 103 Roscolux colors and diffusers. Yours. free for the asking. 36 Bush Avenue Port Chester. New York 10573 914/937-1300 Telex· 131472 1135 North Highland Avenue Los Angeles. CA 90036 213/462-2233 Telex 691123 69/71 Upper Ground London SE 19 PQ England 01-633-9220 Telex: 651-695·3352