Consulting Services in: feasibility and program studies facilities design. shapes. profiles seating, sight lines. people traffic. codes rigging. draperies. stage machinery theatre lighting. control. distribution acoustics. sound. video. projection theatre structures. pit lifts. shells. winches Still Rigging the Old Fashioned Way? u[}={] ~ffi\U~ f§ U~~[ J~CQ)lCQ)CGJ .. . 5000 SEAT THEATRE Labor Intensive? Time Consuming? Cumbersome? U I ERSITY OF BAGHDAD. IRA I PETER GEORGE ASSOCIATES INC. I 34 WEST 17 STREET NEWYORK N.Y. 10011/(212)243-8600 Q: WHAT DO THE FOLLOWING HAVE IN COMMON? American Conservatory Theatre Old Globe Theatre (National Shakespeare Festival) Stratford Festival The Goodman Theatre Manitoba Theatre Centre Ahmanson Theatre Visalia Shakespeare Festival Neptune Theatre Theatre New Brunswick Racine Theatre Guild Surrey Arts Centre A: Western Canada Theatre Masque Sound Corporation Purdue University Experimental Theatre Ithaca College University of Missouri University of Wisconsin Brigham Young University Ricks College University of Lethbridge Reeve Theatre University of Calgary OUR THEATRE SOUND CONSOLES It's Less Expensive Than You Think. Write for Cost Comparison. Q: WHY? A: Nothing can outperform them. The Unique combination of our patented Auto-Pan!' timed crossfade circuits and extensive preset capabilities produces unparalleled flexibility. We have specialized in Theatre Sound Control since 1966, we are making custom design computer memory controlled theatre sound systems a reality. Get the whole story . talk to us. RICHMOND SOUND DESIGN LTD. 1234 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. V6H 1A5 604·734·1217 CA:XADA pete r albrecht corporat 325 EAST CHICAGO STREET MILWAUKEE, WI 53202· U.S.A. TELEPHONE: 414-272-2811 TELEX: 26-859 "ALBRECHT MIL" on ~ World Class Stage Systems for the Entertainment Industry Be