Genesis is the latest step in the evolution of the legendary .. Gorilla Proof" dimmer packs from Teatronics. The Genesis line is designed for the stage or studio situation where reliability is an absolute necessity. Genesis dimmers are available in 2.4 WV, 6 WV and 12 WV configurations, and are designed for operation on domestic or international power grids, single or three phase. * The Genesis control electronics are on a single card which is easily accessible through the front panel, with a multiplex decoder card also available. Genesis dimmers have convenient features such as : " Control Present" indicator lights, channel on-off control override switches. phase indicators, magnetic breakers throughout(no fuses!) .carry handles and many others that make Genesis the finest dimmer Teatronics has ever made. .- ::0: 00[:] .- 100 * GENESIS 6000 [:]~ :::0: I:::±:±::l Illllllllil 001 100 GENESIS 12.000 The Genesis line olso includesa6x6CXX)Watt/50 Amp dimmer and an extra heavy duty 3 x 12000 Watt / 100 Amp dimmer. Customized sys1elTls using the Genesis as a component are available. ·Contact our Custom Products Division. * Teatronics' " Gorilla Proof" dimmers are legendary for their ability to withstand heavy use and to forgive the occasional short circuit or mis-wired seNice. The Genesis is designed not just to carry on that tradition. but to set a new standard. from Teatronics 101 Suburban Road Son Luis Obispo. CA 93401 ( 805 ) 544-3555 TEATRONICS Bringing lighting technology out of the Dark Ages