ASSISTANT PROFESSORSHIPS A R Z 0 N A STAT TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Tenure track pOSllion. MFA or PhD required Duties Include. Teaching beginning and ad anced stagecraf as veil as special OPICS In technrcal heatre. echnlcal dlrec IOn far SIX malnstage and two studio produc Ions. super ISlon of shop and student crews: and supervision of maintenance of equipmen (theatre and shop). Teaching and professional educallonal produc IOn expertence reqUireo. Salary negotiable EO AA MInarl y appllca IOns In lied. Dr. lin E UN I V E R S T Y LIGHTING DESIGNER Tenure track posilion. FA or PhD required. Du ies include Teaching beglnnrng and ad anced Iigh Ing deSign aS'lell as special OPICS In Ilgh Ing design. and possibly stage management. deslgnrng or super ISing the lighting. sound. and special effec s tor SIX mains age and two S udlo productions: supervISing stage managers: asslgnrng stage crews: and super ISing main enance of equipmen (lightIng. sound, and special ef ec s). Teaching and prolesslonal educa lanai produc Ion expertence required Salar nega lable EO AA ~lnori y applicallons In Ited. Send e er a In en . resume, hree Ie lers a recommendation. and ranscrlp S 0: rtgh:. Chair Depa r rlenl a Theatre. ArIZona Sta e Unl erSlty. Tempe. Amana 85287 Port olio on request ani Deadline for application materials: March 29, 1985. THEATRICAL SUPPLIES American Society of Theatre Consultants THE PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION OF U. S. THEATRE CONSULTANTS 12226 Mentz Hill Road, 51. Louis, MO 63128 314-843-9218 * * * * * * * * * * Tapes Fabrics Specialty Fabrics Sound Equipment/Wiring Filters Studio Lighting/Lamps Fog Equipment Stage Ropes Gothic Paints & Brushes Stage Hardware Our Prices Are Unbeatable! Call Us For Quote Before You Buy! .Y1R~~: Toll Free InNYS -12 Theatre Design & Technology / USITT Winler 1985 800-221-9511 212-307-6556