Electrical Multipin Connectors AN IDEAL ANSWER ... * Stage * Sound Studios * Dimmer Racks * Light Towers * TV Cameras * Sound Controls * Auditoriums * HMI Feeder Cables * Raceways * Mobile Units * Sound Cables POSITIVE LOCKING INLINE PLUG & RECEPTACLE WITH CABLE STRAIN RELIEF FOR USE WITH INDIVIOUAL WIRES OR JACKETEO CABLES. With rugged. dependable VEAM CIR Multipin Connectors. you can see, feel and hear the connection being made. Positive locking, with quick coupling and uncoupling, assures you of long-term performance and reliability. Our precision line of products is manufactured in the United States, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom to offer you world-wide sales and service. Quick Connect With Quarter Turn You'll find that our family of connectors has everything but meaningful competition. Quick coupling and quick release with built-in toughness means less set-up time and trouble-free performance. Positive keying prevents mistakes from mismating - even in total darkness. The speed and strength of VEAM connectors can be a life saver instead of a show stopper during those mad scrambles just before curtain time. * 1,. IJ VEAM can be your single source for a broad line of standard and custom engineered connectors to help you tackle any complex lighting, sound or power transmission situation. rnWMM Litton DIVISION OF LITTON SYSTEMS, INC. 100 New Wood Road Watertown, CT 00795 Telephone: (203) 274-9681 TWX: 71~477-0039