THEATRE ARCHITECTURE Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre ew York, New York Owner: Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre Company, Inc. Architect: Brian Smith, Peter Blake/ Brian Smith Theatre Consultant: Systems Design Consultants Acoustical Consultant: Klepper Marshall King Associates, Inc. Structural Engineer: Wiesenfeld and Leon Mechanical/Electrical Engineers: Jack Green Associates Completion: 1981 Seating Capacity: 195 Expected Use: Dramatic production continued on page 51 ... Bob liellyhasa Theafrital Halieup liif lorEVERYONE MIRAGE KIT An Innovative makeup for slage. films and TV -$22.95" CREME STICK MAKEUP KIT A complete makeup kit -$22.95" THE LITTLEST KELLY KIT Liltle kit-Big value -$13.00" .;».' S;'OO C"" ., ':' s· ';·i &. Hj·:·, "~\' CCH' I:J S]SO'~ S·~:r ~i &. HI~j ~i .,: (00 s FREE' Arrange for if .\Iake lip Demonstrallon and Lecwre al \,ollr school theatre -18 Th(',"rr Dcsi~11 & Tcd1nulo~~ SITT Spring 1986