Performer IVĀ® Computerized Lighting Control Consoles from Kliegl Bros. Featuring: sleek ergonomic design - 250 channels - 999 digital dimmers 960 blocks cue storage memory -13" color monitor on tilt/swivel base 3W' floppy disk storage/retrieval- real time clock/calendar and much more Optional Accessories: monochrome monitor, printer, remote controller and analog demultiplexer box. call your nearest Kliegl dealer or sales representative, or contact: Kliegl Bros. 32-32 48th Ave. Long Island City New York 11101 (718) 786-7474 Telex: 960158 Kliegl Bros. Western Division 15720 Ventura Blvd. Suite 607 Encino, California 91316 (818) 905-5945 kli The Industry Standard Since 1896