After 20 Years, We're Still "Strong as Atlas . .. Smooth as Silk" Manufacturers of ~~._~_~ ~~._~ brand standard and custom hardware for the entertainment and performing arts. * * * * * -' ... "'":.: -.... -,_... .. .':~: ..........- .. . .. -_: :", ; ; .... ~ . .. : .............. ..... ; .. '- .... : ..;:.~*. :.:.:. ;." .--::: . . . Stage tracks. Drapery tracks. Motor controls. Stage rigging. Counterweight systems. . .". -- - ': ; . Sold nationwide through independent dealers. Atlas Silk Division H & H Specialties Inc. (213) 283-3562 2210 N. Merced Ave. PO. Box 9327 South EI Monte, CA 91733 BOB ~ELLY:sM;RA6{iHfATRI(4LM~ 1513EIN6 5E~N ON FACES IN FRONT OF TV AND NlJVI~ CAMERAS AND ON STAGES ALL OVER iliE (PUN~Y GET YQlJ..B MIRAGE ~IlBJP ~T1()DAY FO~ ONC{ Yl21.9~* . _._. __. Dealer inquiries invited. 'WE unAKE 'VREAMS v4 ~EALITY BRANNIGAN·LORELLI ASSOCIATES INC. Consultants specializing in facilities for performing arts, fine arts and television PICK OF THE FLOCK ESKAY NOVELTY 34 W.38 Sl. N.Y .. N.Y. 10018 212/391·4110 800/237·2202 * FEASIBILITY STUDIES * FACILITY PLANNING * SYSTEMS DESIGN * PROJECT SUPERVISION * MANAGEMENT and OPERATION PLANNING Brannigan·Lorelli Associates 62 Cooper Square New York, New York 10003 (212) 420-8787 TD&T· 5Ui\!i\!ER 1987 37