The rising ([end in rhe use of graphics inrerface machines like rhe Macinrosh should be a signal ro companies producing rhose machines rhar rhe performing ans producrion marker has rremendous porenrial for rheir producrs. Also, rhe producers of sophisricared peripherals should nore rhe predominanr inrenr of respondenrs ro buy ploners, large monirors, scanners and high-end srorage devices. Finally, currenr survey respondenrs' srrong inreresr in programming skills and in rraining for personal com purer design should send a clear message ro USITT and ro manufacrurers of personal compurers, peripherals and sofrware "The establishment of centers for performing arts software development and training is vitally important..." rhar rhe esrablishmenr of cenrers for performing ans sofrware developmenr and rraining is virally imponanr ro rhe furure of rhe performing ans producrion indusrry and should be profirable for rhe perIE sonal compurer indusrry as well. Patrick Gill is a member ofthe pCIIlt), at Comell Universit), Center fOr Theatre Arts and serves as the Inter-Commission Compllter Applications Liaison for USITT I \1. Barrett Cleveland, ยทยท.\1icrocomputers in (he The-due: A Survey." TDe:- T. Spring 1988: 1- -19. TD&T 1990 FAll 39