THE JOURNAL FOR DESIGN & PRODUCTION PROFESSIONALS IN THE PERFORMING ARTS THEATRE DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY VOLUME XXVII. NUMBER 4 * FALL 1991 Features 9 PQ'91: An Overview The TD&Tediror inrroduces this issue's coverage of the premiere inrernational design exhibirion and comperirion. BY ERIC FIELDING 15 The International Jury Pracess The former TD&T ediror shares insighrs gained while serving as the presidenr of the inrernarional jury for PQ'91. BY ARNOLD ARONSON Page 19 19 Reflections on PQ'91 A conrributing TD&T ediror provides a personal overview of the wide variety of elChibirions which comprise PQ'91. BY TOM WATSON 29 Behind the Scenes at PQ'91 The chair of the Unired Srares Centre ofOISTAT rakes a look ar hosr city and the organizers of PQ'91 in lighr of recenr polirical change. BY JOEL E. RUBIN 35 Page 35 41 Of Garbage & Gold: Great Britain at PQ'91 An American designer describes the award-winning British exhibition and irs explorarion of rhe rransienr narure of rhearre design. BY LINDA SARVER Costume at PQ'91: One Designer's Perspective A designer lisrs her impressions of cosrumes ar PQ'91. 45 BY JEANNIE DAVIDSON Designs for a Theatre in Transition A TD&T conrriburing ediror derails the wide range of rich exhibitions mounred by hosr narion of PQ'91. BY DELBERT UNRUH 49 The Environmental Experience A number of counrries ar PQ'91 chose ro display their designs within an expressive and dramaric environmenr, says a US designer. BY JAN CHAMBERS 55 The PQ'91 Schools of Scenography Exhibits Two educarors provide an overview of the energetic and exciting inrernational srudenr exhibits at PQ'91. BY CAROLYN LANCET & RON NAVERSON Departments Page 41 2 PQ'91 PHOTOS: All photographs in this special issue on the 1991 Prague Quadrennial were taken by Eric Fielding unless otherwise credited. 58 Editors' Note International Journal Report 68 Readers's Response 69 New Praducts 71 Index to Advertisers Architecture Adaprations for Greater Accessibility by Tara Schroeder Dicken 61 67 Lighting Design A Revised Standard Graphic Language for Lighring Design TD&T 1991 FALL