THE JOURNAL FOR DESIGN & PRODUCTION PROFESSIONALS IN THE PERFORMING ARTS THEATRE DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY VOLUME XXVII. UMBER 2 * SPRING 1991 Features 9 Challenging Paradoxes We have rhe opportunity to affecr our own furures, bur how do we decide which issues to confronr asks rhe USITT Vice-Presidenr-Communicarions in her recenr Fellows' Address. BY JOY SPANABEL EMERY 13 The World of Robert Wilson we A handsome exhibir of his designs and a landmark mounring of Ibsen's When Dead Awaken are rhe laresr offerings from one of America's mosr visionary designers. BY LUCY KRAUS Page 13 19 Reinventing the American Stage Despire a currenr idenrity crisis, me spirir and virality of rhe American rhearre has never looked more promising, says a nored directOr and criric in his USITT Keynore Address. BY ROBERT BRUSTEIN 29 Postmodern Issues in Action Design 4 In "The Problem of Acring Style," rhe fourrh parr in a series on conremporary Czechoslovak design, one of TD&Ts conrriburing editOrs looks ar me role of me actOr in this exciring design area. BY DEL UNRUH 35 USI" Prepares for Prague We presenr a preview of rhe prepararions currenrIy underway for me American enrry to PQ'91: a celebration of opera design called "Mozarr in America." BY ERIC FIELDING Page 19 Departments 2 39 Editors' Note 49 New Products Management 51 International Journal Report 53 LeHers to the Editor 58 Index to fD& f Volume 26 59 Index to Advertisers The Tao of Srage Managemenr by Mark Heiser 45 Education The Srare of Design Educarion by Barbara Jesrer 47 Page 29 International News Bener Lare Than ever by Alia Mikhailova 'D&' 1991 SPRING