BRAINSTORM THEM MANAGE THEM BUDGET THEM BID THEM DESIGN THEM DRAFT THEM ENGINEER THEM BUILD THEM TRUCK THEM INSTALL THEM RUN THEM MOVE THEM TOUR THEM STORE THEM RESTORE THEM MOTORIZE THEM COMPUTERIZE THEM ELECTRIFY THEM STAFF THEM CREW THEM TECH THEM EFXTHEM RIG THEM LIGHT THEM MIC THEM PROMPT THEM CRATE THEM PROP THEM PAINT THEM SUPERVISE THEM MAINTAIN THEM SCHEDULE THEM STRIKE THEM IMPORT THEM EXPORT THEM REVNE THEM .:. ProScenium (Swirzerland), Augusr 1990: "Kanze au Japon" by Florian Kradolfer; "Session sur la Technique Thearrale" by Marianne Uehlinger; "Areliers" by Heinz Berner; "Monrage Scenique it la Television Suisse DRS" by H. Maag; "Le Marche Specialise en Technique de Thearre." .:. Sightline (Grear Brirain), July 1990: "Whistling rhe Ser" by Joe Aveline; "Trading up ro an E Type" by Sreff Langley;" or ro Be Missed" by Greg Lofrin; "A Piece of Green Srring" by Pamela Howard; "John Brown's Lighring" by Kris Misselbrook; "Our of rhe Packing Case" by lain Mackinrosh; "Dunfermline Opera House"; Lead Kindly Lighrwrighr" by Julian Williams; "Planning in Confidence" by Rod Ham; "Plus <;:a change." WE DO THINGS FOR BROADWAY SHOWS STATE-OF-THE-ART SCENERY, TECHNOLOGIES AND MANAGEMENT E. C. T. S. A SCENIC TECHNOLOGY COMPANY E.C. T.S. A SCENIC TECHNOLOGY COMPANY BOX 335 SHORE ROAD, CORNWALL NEW YORK 12520 TELEPHONE (914) 534 - 3558 TELEFAX (914) 534 - 3752 66 1991 WINTER TD&T Theater der Zeir (Easr Germany), Augusr 1990: "A Talk wirh Giorgio Strehler" byErnsr Schumacher; "The Off-Thearre Scene in rhe GDR" by Silvia Brendenal; "Guesr Performances of Moscow OffTheatres in Berlin" by Martin Morgner; "On rhe Firsr Nighr of Gilgamesh ar Berliner Volksbiihne" by Silvia Brendenal; "The 27rh Theatre Festival in Wesr Berlin" by Martin Linzer; "A Report on Landesrhearer Dermoid and a Talk wirh Manager Ulf Reiher" by Volker Traurh; ''A Portrair of Singer Andreas Scheibner, Sraarsoper Dresden" by Irene Tungler; "New Operas in Kassel" by Wolfgang Schreiber and Wolfgang Lange; Texr of Antigone oder Die Stadt by Gerhard Mliller. Theatre (Finland) 43: "Triple Birth of a Narion" by Penrri Paavolainen; "Narional Myrhs-Unique or Universal?" by Vesa Tapio Valo; "Finnish Theatre in rhe '80s" by Hannu Harju; "Black Love on rhe Hunring Trail" by Raija Ojala; "Bald Ballerina" by Soila Lehronen; "Funny Enough" by Soila Lehronen; "Tampere Theatre Summer Renewed." .:. Zichtlijn (The Nerherlands), Augusr 1990:" ew Municipal Theatre in Rorrerdam Fulfills Expecrarions" by Annemieke Diderich; "The Furure of Automarion in Theatre" by Peter Blaauboer; "Gas De-Loading Lamps" by R.A. Rueb; "Professions: Masrer Carpenter in a Medium-Size Theatre" by Chris Lievaart; "A Grid: Yes or o?" by Frirs van den Haspel. IE .:. Indicates official joumals of OISTAT: The Intemational Organization of SCerJOgraphers, Architects & Theatre Technicians.