section on "Revues" starts with the sentence: "The main difference between a revue and a musical are..." and the very same paragraph ends only twelve lines later with: "At present, Atlantic City attracts mostly patrons from a nearly 150mile radius." What is important about these chapters is that they have a certain symmetry and do contain a large amount of information. Frequently that informarion is found more profusely in rhe footnotes than in the main text. Each performance venue is considered under a heading which start with a general introduction and then proceeds to "Design Considerations," "Communication Forms," "Techniques" and "Procedures and Practices." These sections are accompanied by photographs and lighr plots from the venue rype. What is particularly appealing is thar each section is also extensively foornoted with bibliographical references and thar these references in mosr cases offer both a sense of historiciry and currency through 1989. In this sense this is the best of books. 0 one else has delved as deeply into the available literature in entertainmenr lighting or taken the uouble to annotate it as thoroughly. In the lasr portion of the book Watson delves into the business of lighting design, commendably leads off with USITT and OISTAT. (Watson was a founding member of USITT and its tenth President, an important contributor to USITT until his death and an active member of the United States Center of ISTAT.) Lighting Design Handbook amply documents and extensively illustrates the author's conviction that the profession of lighting is diverse, interdisciplinary and growing_" II including an analysis of employment and career prospecrs and material on theatrical unions with examples of United Scenic Artisrs enuance exanunarions for lighting designers. There is also a good section on professional organizations. I was personally pleased to note that the author Is your HEALTH PLAN o Lighting Design Handbook amply documenrs and extensively iUusuates the author's conviction that the profession of lighting is diverse, inrerdisciplinary and growing. The author's intenrs included providing a book for "the serious student who intends to make lighting design his or her tife's work" and for working professionals a "survey about specific areas of endeavor " Lee Watson certainly achieved those goals. Just as importantly, he produced a book thar is suffused throughout with what Richard Pilbrow in an inuoducrion calls our as "stage lighting design...a noble and creative way of life." It is the author's passion for exactly that subject that makes this book with its extensive resources of real interest. IE -Joel E. Rubin CURRENT SPECIALS good enough? '- USITTWeek I I' you are pay ing a rort une or you are not ge\l ing the kind or coverage that you need. check out the Selected items at drastically reduced prices! '- USITT Major Medical Plan! This plan has a choice of deductibles and a dental option. Rates vary by location. You may have received inrormation about the Plan by mail. II' you have no\. or ir you have any questions. contact the National Orrice. Prices so low we can't advertise them! See us at our booth or call with your fax number to receive a price list. USITT lOWest llJlh Stree\. Suite SA New York. New York 100 11--C06 (212) l)2-l--l)OXX / FAX: (212) lJ2-l--lJ3-l-3 usrrr * You al"e' 1I 1II('1II/Ie'I". .'"ou de'.I"e'/T(' lite /In/. il/eludil/g 1I (/Ulllill" 1te'1I/11t clIre' 1'/1I1/.' --. - "-~!!f -~------...........-_-.=== == =-- == ====::"""' ~ SUPPLY 28 Logan Ave. Glens Falls. NY 12801 Phone: 1518)793·6706 FAX: (518)793·618 TD&T 1991 WINTER 69