THE JOURNAL FOR DESIGN & PRODUCTION PROFESSIONALS IN THE PERFORMING ARTS THEATRE DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY VOLUME XXVIII. NUMBER 5 * FALL 1992 Features 9 The Secret of Theatrical Space Excerprs from me aurobiographical resramenr of arguably rhe grearesr living scenographer are reprinred in a rranslarion by conrriburing ediror Jarka Burian from rhe book of rhe same name ro be published larer mis year. BY JOSEF SVOBODA Page 9 21 Celebrating Tanya Moiseiwitsch A rribure ro--and inrerview wim-me founding designer of Canada's Srrarford Fesrival celebrares a long and rich life of arr and influence. BY ARNOLD WENGROW 35 The World Finder A unique producrion mounred for rhe Columbian Exposirion of 1892 is remembered and reconsrrucred in words and picrures. BY GORDON B. GRAHAM 39 Liberating the Picture Plane A Canadian educaror and designer looks ar me philosophy and process of conrrolling me field of view in perspecrive renderings. BY RONALD FEDORUK Page 21 37 The Spiral Theatre in Prague A change of venue for rhe 1991 Prague Quadrennial helped give birm ro a new and unique form of rhearre in rhe Czech capiro!. BY RON FIRMAN Departments 2 Editors' Note 47 OISTAT Helmur GroBer and rhe BTR by Siegfried Srablein 59 International Journal Report by 60 orma Adler, £diror Book Reviews by Sylvia Hillyard, Ediror 51 Health & Safety Guidelines for Audience Safery and Design for rhe Small Flexible Thearre by Tom Macie Page 3S 63 New Products by Bob Heller, Ediror 65 Software Reviews by Parrick Finelli, Ediror 55 Education The Case for US ITT-Endorsed Curriculum Guidelines by Brian Jones 67 Index to Advertisers TD&T 1992 FAll