THE SCHOOL FOR SCENIC ART A complete range of rigging materials and installations for the theatre industry * Counterweight systems * Hemp systems * Stage curtains * Track * Winches and motors * ZETEX fire curtains SAFETY DIVISION * * * * * * Safety inspections and reports Staff/school seminars Group lectures Maintenance programs Safety information Rescue and safety equipment 1-800-SAPSIS-1 WE STAND BEHIND (AND UNDER) OUR WORK 233 N. Lansdowne Ave. Lansdowne, PA 19050 (215) 849-6660 * FAX (215) 849-8010 32 1992 SPRING TD&T COBALT STUDIC>S * APPRENTICE TRAINING PROGRAM * SPECIALTV SEMINARS * SUMMER SEMINARS For information or applications call or write Rachel Keebler (914) 583-7025 Howard Jones P. O. Box 79 Royce Road, White Lake, NY 12786