CHARLES E. f-.lcCARRY Charles was hired by the Philadelphia Thealre Company where he designed sets and costumes for two seasons after groduating from Temple University. Since then, he has aMended the Yale Droma School and designed 01 a number of regianallheatres including Yale Rep and The PiMsburgh Public Theatre. His work in New York includes work for Playwrights' Horizons and assistant design work on anum· ber of Broadway musicols, including the lost three Tony Award "best musicals." Charles has also worked in televi· sian, notably as a designer for the soap Another World and Saturday Night Live and as on art director for features including Wall Street and Cocktail. He is presently on assis· lanl professor of design at Carnegie·Melion University. Charles E. McCorry Scenic Design The Road to Mecca The City Theatre Pinsburgh PA Production Photo Scenic Design The Debutante Ball New York Stage and Film Production Photo Scenic Design The Jade the Ripper Revue Actor's OUllet Theatre Production Photo Scenic Design Painting Churches Portland Stage Company Production Photo Scenic Design A Walk in the Woods The Philadelphia Drama Guild Production Photo 729 Ninth Avenue New York, NY 10019