fD&1i THE JOURNAL FOR DESIGN & PRODUCTION PROFESSIONALS IN THE PERFORMING ARTS usitt 10 Wesr 19rh Sneer Sui re 5A ew York, New York 10011-4206 212-924-9088 Fax:212-924-9343 USITT-BEGINNING ITS 4TH DECADE The Un ired Srares Insrirure for Thearre Technology is rhe "American Associarion of Design and Producrion Professionals in rhe Performing Arrs." Founded in 1960, rhe Instirure's unique mission for 32 years has been ro advance rhe professions of design and rechnology in rhe performing arrs by disseminaring informarion and faciliraring narional and inrernarional communicarion among irs members. Through irs quarrerly journal, Thentre Desig1l & Teclmology; newsletter, Sightli1les; annual Conference and Srage Exposirion; ren-inreresr focused Commissions; 18 regional Sections; Archireerure, S~e Design and Technology exhibirions and achlevemenr awards, USITT has creared a broad Norrh American base for valuable inreracrion, collaborarion and exchange of informarion among peoflle involved in rhe crearion and production of all aspecrs of me performing arts. USITT Executive Committee SARAH NASH GATES Presidenr DONALD SHULMAN Immediare Pasr Presidenr RICHARD D. STEPHENS VP-Commissions WILLIAM BYRNES VP-Developmenr RICHARD DURST VP-Conferences NORMAND BOUCHARD VP-Relacions STEPHANIE YOUNG VP-Projecrs JOY SPANABEL EMERY VP-Communicarions JEAN MONTGOMERY Secrerary CHRISTINE L. KAISER Treasurer LAWRENCE J. HILL Finance Chair USITT Board of Directors 1990-93 KENNETH HEWITT· LARRY HILL WILLIAM FLYNN· ELYNMARIE KAZLE SAMUEL SCRIPPS * RAYNETTE H. SMITH ANNE THAXTER WATSON 1991-94 RANDALL W.A. DAVIDSON' DENNIS DORN DAVID HALE HAND' JAMES MOODY CAROLYN ROSS' ZELMA WEISFELD 1992-95 CHRISTINE FRANKEBERGER SYLVIA J. HILLYARD· TIMOTHY KELLY BEN SAMMLER * DOUG TAYLOR COLLIER WOODS INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATION US ITT is rhe Unired Srares Cenrer of OISTAT: Orgll1lislltio1l Ime1'lllltio1lllle des ScblOg1'llphes, Teclmiciens et Architectes de TI}(!atre. 8 1992 SUMMER TD&T