7/Je Sarch is Over! USITT is very pleased to announce our new Conference Management Firm * SSOCIATION EXPOSITIONS &SERVICESSM 1100 Summer Street * PO Box 3824 Stamford, a 06905-0824 Phone: 203·325·5099 Fax: 203·325·5000 DIANE FERBER: USITT Account Manager NANCY WALSH: Stage Expo Sales PAT DOLSON: Vice President &General Manager & our new Advertising Sales Manager Susan Murphy Until?/31/92: 52 Gablewing Grde Newtown, PA 18940 Phone & Fax: 215·860·7151 Alter 8/1/92: 2706 Brookhaven Drive Yardley, PA 18940 Phone & Fax: 215-321-6880 Association Exposition & Services and Susan Murphy bring many years ofexperience to USITT. Both AE&S and Susan Murphy are experienced not only in theirfields, but each also Jpecializes in working with membership OIganizations. The USITT Executive Committee, the USITT Staff, USITT Members, Conftrence Attendees, Stage £.po Exhibitors, and Advertisers in USITT periodicals-TD&T and Sight/ines-will all benefit with our new relationships. TD&T 1992 SUMMER 7