THE JOURNAL FOR DESIGN & PRODUCTION PROFESSIONALS IN THE PERFORMING ARTS THEATRE DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY VOLUME XXIX. UMBER 2 . SPRI G 1993 Features 9 Eternal Truth, Collaboration, and the Design Process A TDo-T conrriburing ediror reexamines rhe collaborarive process of rhearre and calls for a rruer parrnership berween direcrors, designers, and acrors. BY DELBERT UNRUH Page 15 15 Protecting and Energizing the Shakespeare Experience The Oregon Shakespeare Fesrival pleases borh acrors and audiences wirh irs new Allen Pavilion. BY JE AY S. COTTRELL 21 The Introduction of Incandescence Into American Theatres A Canadian rhearre educaror rraces rhe beginnings of e1ecrricallighring in American rhearres. BY TIM FORT 29 The Theatre of Virtual Reality The magic of compurer-generared virrual realiry is wirhin rhe grasp of mosr designers as an exciring new rool for designing scenery. BY MARK REA EY Page 21 Insert The Revised USI" Scenic Design and Technical Production Graphic Standards Departments 2 Editors' Note 43 New Product Review by Elbin Cleveland, Ediror 33 35 Page 29 USITT SCENIC DESIGN AND TECHNICAL PRODUCTION GRAPHIC STANDARD Lighting A Designer's \X/orksrarion by \'(/illiam R. Johnson, Jr. 44 Engineering 46 Sound Reducrion Doors ar Cornell Cenrer for Thearre Arrs by Alfred Walrer & Richard S. Lee Sound Permanenrly Insralled Audio Sysrems for Performing Arrs Faciliries-Toward Srandardizarion by Bob Green International Journal Report by Norma Adler, Ediror 48 39 New Products by Roberr Heller, Ediror Book Reviews by Sylvia Hillvard, Ediror 51 Index to Advertisers CENTER SUPPLEMENT TD&T 1993 SPRING