d jlerll'e lejl Praglle. Leoll Brallllerled sOllie lIIelllbers ojtbe Delegatioll 011 c.s. a tell-day advelltllre tbrollgb tbe tbeatricallalld- scape ojPolalld. Ire l'isited tbeatres. tbeatrical IIIl1selllllS alld trailling acadelllies. alld lI'e sail' pe/jol'lllallces rallgillgjrolll .Itoliffre to .Ito.::art to .lfro.::ek. A bigbligbt Il'as tbe l'isit to tbe /'lIralhllage ojCard.::iellice Il'bere jor eigbteellyears tbe Card.::ienice Tbeatre ,lssociatioll bas lired and Il'orked. Cllder tbe artistic direction ojJrl/odzilllier.:: Stallie/l'ski tbis e.\jJerilllelltal tbeatre trollpe bas bllilt an intel'llatiollal replltatioll and bas tOil red Ellrope. Asia. and tbe c.s. TIl'o lIIelllbers oj 0111' delegatioll Il'ere IIl1able to joilllls tbat erenillg. so 1 prolllised to tell tbelll abollt it ajlerll'ards. Tbe jollo/l'ing letter departs sOllle/l'I){[t jrOIll tbe traditiollal colltellt ojtbis projessionaljOlll'lla(. bllt it does describe tbe killd oj tbeatrical e.\periellce Il'hicb illitial()' alld continllal()' excites liS. ardZienice by Tom Markus 1D&1 .\ 1 I I 'I 'j 53