previous: displays lasr view. Up ro 10 prevIous views are saved in memory. vinual screen maximum: largesr view available wirh our a regenera[lon. window: me user defines rhe view by click and drag. There is also in . In mis formar is magnificarion scale in relarion ro rhe currenr view. refers ro scale in rerms of paper space unl[S. In general we rend ro use , , and rhe mosr. The dynamic is rhe mosr useful and quickesr and in rhe windows version rhe aerial view. In addirion, wim rhe Panacea drivers you can access a zoom window acrive on screen simulraneously wirh rhe drawing screen when performing zoom funcrions. 17. Now begin crearing icons. Selecr and rhen . will rum orrho on and off. If orrho is on, all lines will be ar 90 degrees ro each orher and parallel ro rhe currem UCS. There are several commands mar will help now. \X!hen sraring wirh ACAD will prompr you as ro where ro srarr rhe line. You can rype in coordinares relarive ro me currem UCS or you can use rhe mouse and click on a poinr. The nexr prompr will be . If you know rhe dimension and you know rhe srarring coordinares you can rype in rhe poims as a funcrion of disrance in rhe currem UCS. ex. 1,1 1,3 This would consrrucr a line parallel ro rhe x-axis rhar is 2 drawing unirs long. You can also rype in rhe size as a funcrion of disrance and relarive angle. ex. 1,1 @2<0 ar 2 (drawing unirs) 0 degrees relarive ro me srarring poinr. . AlltoCAD has several other line rypes like dashed, cenrerline, ere. You can draw in conrinuous and change rhe line rype larer in . The nexr prompr will again be . ]usr conrinue in rhe same manner and creare rhe foorprinr for your icon. You can also creare a line, arc or circle wirh a srarring poim relarive ro an already exisring line, arc, or circle. There are several rools ro help wirh rhis funcrion called "objecr snaps" or , . <1m> cenrer of circles and arcs. end ofline of are. inserr of objecr. imersecrion of lines and/or arcs. midpoinr of line. nearesr poinr of line or are. perpendicular ro line. fangenr ro an are. You can find several ways. Ir is in me pull down menu under serrings. You can also access ir by clicking on me line of asreriks under me Alito CAD in rhe upper righr hand corner. You can rype ar rhe command prompr Orher drawing commands you mighr need are circle and are. The command will creare 20 circles. Nrer enrering rhe cenrer poinr AlltoCAD will prompr for a choice of radius or diamerer. Selecr your preference and enrer rhe appropriare value. Then . You can also define me circle by <3P> or rhree poinrs. The command is more complicared. AlttoCAD will prompr you ro selecr from rhe following menu. 1. Three poinrs on an are. 2. Srarr poinr, cenrer, end poinr. 3. Srarr poinr, cenrer, included angle. 4. Sran poinr, cenrer, chord length. 5. Srarr poinr, end poinr, radius. 6. Sran poinr, end poinr, included angle. 7. Sran poinr, end poinr, sraning direcrion 8. Cenrer poinr, srarring poinr, end poinr. 9. Cenrer poinr, srarring poinr, included angle. 10. Cenrer poinr, srarring poinr, chord length. 11. Conrinuarion of previous line or are. <3P> This would consrrucr rhe same line. You can also use relarive coordinares. ex. 1,1 @ +0,+2 (you can use +/- unirs) Again, rhis would creare rhe same line. Since you are in Alito CAD will assume inches unless rold orherwise. Generally you will be drawing in a line rype of 50 \\;. I :-.; T E R I ') ') 5 TD & T 18. Once rhe desired foorprinr is esrablished selecr . This will allow you ro rrear rhe enrire foorprinr as one line. When is selecred ACAD will prompr (Q . Since none of rhe lines ro be selecred are pline ACAD will prompr as ro wherher or nor (Q creare the line selecred as a pline. Afrer selecring , selecr (join), , (exir). The command will also allow you (Q change rhe line widrh of rhe polyline <\\'>, and closes a polyline . There are many orher funcrions rhar may become