-r::: L o _. =1 ~ Rcnneo and Juliet --- ~ 1 ---~ will be mecommand. Allow me line ro overlap me desired blocks. Use dine> again ro establish a ([im boundary where me line imercepts me block. AutoCAD will not trim the line at me imercept wim me block so you need ro create a temporary boundary. Afrer <([im> use ro erase me temporary boundary. If you didn't allow me temporary line ro extend beyond me icon or if you didn't set me line of angle ro me icon block men finding me line may be difficulL Use (erase> (crossing) men (remove) ro remove me icon from me erase seL Select me icon and . Continue unril you have finished all me icons and needed lines. 13. One final note. ot all ploners will plot ro me ourside edges of me paper. We use a Housron Instrumenrs DMP62MP and we need ro leave a 3/4" border on me perimeter. The 3/4" offset is in acrual inches, nO[ in me drawings scale. We use (move) (crossings) ro place me drawing wimin me ploners operating parameters. The is me lower left hand corner. We move me base poim ro l' 6",1' 6" for a drawing scale of 1/2"= l' and ro 0'9",0'9" for a drawing scale of 1/4"=1 '. 14. Once me drawing is finished use after doing a (zoom) (extems). PLOTTING THE DRAW1NG 1. Once me drawing is opened select . First check me pen assignmems and make sure me configuration is what you need. AutoCAD will srore a number of ploners and ploner configurations for me user. Also make sure mat me 54 WINTER 1995 TD&T Sc:a"1/~_1' I.DIIbThlotTa 0d22. 11102 Ground Plan Charles T. Parsons oriemation and origins are correCL You could also use mis function ro accomplish me same as me command as ouclined above in Step 13. You can use me origin ro offset in plO[ me drawing while leaving me acrual drawing origins at 0,0. ext set me drawing scale at me desired ploning scale. Then select me paper size. AutoCAD has many srock paper sizes and user specified formars. Under selecr me desired parameter. You can select from , , , , and . You can also select whemer ro create a plO[ file or whemer ro export direccly ro me ploner. Now go ro . This command will allow you ro "view" me plO[ before ploning. will display me oucline of me paper and me oucline of me drawing as ploned. AutoCAD will warn you if the plO[ limits exceed me paper limits. will allow for a detailed view of me ploL You can use ro inspecr me drawing in detail and ro rerum ro me plO[ menu. Select when you are mrough in me plO[ menu and AutoCAD will eimer create me plot file or initialize me ploner and prompt . When all is ready press . You can also use postscript our and prim ro GIF files. 2. Additional note. Some drawings take a while ro ploL I have had some scenic drawings take up ro four hours ro complete. T CHARLES T. PARSONS is a designer and ftculty member at PlIldue Universit)