BROADWAY PRESS Booksfor designers and technicians ill the peJ!ormillg arts. tion Irhich aHoll's for drugs to aher normal hlllctions of the brain or. in the case of mental disorders. to restore normal hlllclioning. Another IraI' of thinking about the brain. this one popular Irith artists. addresses the difference betlreen right and left brain thinking. Betty Edwards' classic. Drall'ing on the Right Side ofthe Bmill, was an earll' attempt to utilize the discorerr that each hemisphere accomplished separate tasks " Latelr. the distinctions betlreen right and left brain hlllctions have become more blurred as we learn that a combination is emplored. ARussian psrchologist. Vladimir M. Petrol', has even tried to chart the proportion of right and left brain processing in famous painters and musicians from the serenteenth to the tlvelllieth cennlryl! HOIrever interesting such snldies mal' be. they remain soft because their numbers are based on subjective responses. Objective data required in hard science is just noll' becoming available from today's nell' scanning devices: CAT Scans (computerized :L\ial tomography), PET Scans (positron emission tomography), and MRl Scans (magnetic resonance imaging). These are lifting the CUI' tain which hid the l\'Orkings of the human brain. !\euroscientists are beginning to see what is happening inside the bmin. Scientists derive hJrther information from studying the brains of other mammals. (\01 many humans are available for living e\periments.) Chimpanzees, for e\ample, share ninety-eight percent of their D\A Irith humans. Consequently. ther are good e\perimental substitutes for humans and incidentally, are a pretty good indication of the path of evolution. ~Ianr researchers believe that erolution is not onil' operative in the formation of rarious species but is also at l\'Or" in each of us as our brains develop. We create the unique neural connections Ire need at least Irell into our tlrenties. A \'Oung riolinist forms manr more neural connections in that part of the brain II'hich facilitates violin plal;ing while possibly slighting the formation of connections in other areas. I; Forget a concert career if you haven't TD&T ..\ I I;