Fig. 15 Edwin Thomas Hall is OImed and operated bl" :\kron L"nirersitl" for the benefit of the unil"ersitl"'s programs in the performing ans and for the citl" of .-\kron. It also prol"ides permaneIll facilities for the administration. rehearsal and performance for the Akroll SJlllphollJ and the Ohio Ballel. From lhe I"ery beginning. the project \I"as programl11edl"ia a series of conferences and design charrenes bl" this consultant. tlte architect and the L"sers. Like el"ery multiple-use design. the facilily had to house el"ernhing from absolute music to spoken drama. The plan (fig 10) is a .'IO-degree fan. The -to ton ceiling (fig I J) is a twelve-parI articulation of 2.600 dampened steel plates \I"hich are cable-hung in a milered arrangement of restrained catenaries \I"hich are indirectly lighted from cOl"es in the grand tier and balcom- fronts. The longillldinal perspectil"e sections shOll" lhe 3.000 seat conceTt mode \I"ith the stage acoustical shell ereCled (fig 12). lhe iniliallOll"ering of lhe ceiling to accommodate lhe 2.-t00 seat opera-musical comedy mode (fig 1.'1). :Uld the final IQ\l"ering of the ceiling 10 the 850 seat theater mode (fig I-t). The side .1 Fig. 16 Fig. 11\ TD&T \ I