usitt GE\ERAL REQLlREMEl\TS -t.0 DRAWIl\G ~OTES 4.1 Lnless otherwise marked, attachment plugs and connector bodies are designed to attach to cords or cables sized per Table 400-5 (A) of the ~EC. If Table 400-5 (A) does not indicate sufficient ampacity. cables are sized per the 60 degree Ccolumns Eand F of Table '100-5(B). Devices suitable for use with 75 degree C, 90 degree Cor column Dcables shall be so marked. '1.2 Lnless othenvise marked. all devices are designed for indoor use, or outdoor use where protected and supenised per ection 520-10 and 530-6 of the :-IEC. Connectors suitable for damp or \vet locations shall be so marked. 4.3 All male pins shall be of the split type. Male de\~ces shall be made so as to mate with the female fixture described in figures 5.5 through 5.8. 4.4 All female devices shall be made so as to mate with the male fixnJre described in figures 5.5 through 5.8. 4.; Grounded terminals shall be indicated by the letter "W'O on the configuration drawings for field connection of a grounded circuit conductor shall be idemified by a metallic coating substantially "white" in color. or marked with "Wo' or "White" or a "White" marking. 4.6 Grounding terminals shall be indicated by the letter "Go' on the configuration drawings for field connection of a equipment grounding conductor shall be identified with a "G", "Green" or a "Green" marking. 4.7 Other terminals may be marked or unmarked, if marked shall be marked "X"; "X" and 'y'; or "X", 'y', and ··Z··. These terminals must be distinguishable from those marked in accordance with -1.-1 and4.s above. 4.8 Connectors rated 20A or less which meet the Ul guarding test are suitable for use in unrestricted areas. Connectors with ratings greater than 20A do not necessarily meet the probe test and must be guarded from the general public. 4.9 The dimension for the entrance hole on the 20 Amp female connector is recommended. However, if the recommended dimension is exceeded on a 20 Amp device it shall be guarded [rom the public and marked '"To be used by Qualified Personnel Only." 4.10 It is nO! the intent of this Standard to limit alternate constructions. ;.0 The follOWing notes apply to the configurations shown in Figures 5.1 through 5.8. ;.1 All dimensions are in inches. ;.2 Decimal dimensions tolerances shall be subject to a +/- 0.005 inch tolerance unless otherwise specified. ;.3 Angular dimensions tolerances shall be subject to a +/- 1degree tolerance unless otherwise specified. ;.4 Leading edges of all pins and sleeves shall be free of burrs and sharp edges. TD&T F A I. I. I 9 9 -