of Tarmor's theatrical imagen'. If I hare anr quarrel with this book. it is lhat I Irish that there \ras an accompaIl\'ing CD-Rml so that the reader could get a sense of the fact that Taymor's images also more in extraordinarr \rars. To those in cducation \rho Irish to teach thcir students that lhe lheatre is not and nercr was principallr about historical accuracr and proscenium arches. this book is the right place to starl. To those in theatrical production \rho sometimes despair of the dearth of imagination in our art. this book should ahrars be kept mailable. To people like mrsclf \rho just Irish to dream a bit each day about a \rorld of \ronder. thi book is a splendid stimulus. .-\ugust W. Staub. Athens. G.-\ [see also Bradford Clarks re/'iell" ill tbe SllIIlIlIer 1996 isslle -ed[ Concert Lighting: Techniques, Art, and Business Second Edition ByJames L. ~Ioodr. Boston: Focal Press. 1998. ISB'i 0-210-80293-1. r9 pagcs. illustrations. index. $:)1.95 (paper). When the first edition of Concert Lighting: Tee/migues. Art. ({lid Busiuess was released in 1989 it offered a uniquc look at thc \rorld of professional lighting design for the concert industrr. The majoritr of lighting texts deal only \rith introductorr lighting technology and lhe rudiments of theatrical lighting design. ~Ioodr's book focused on the little documented \rorld of touring and lighting for the music industrr. It was also one of the fe\r m'ailable sources that effectively discussed the business aspects of \rorking as a professional designer. Although other authors are beginning to touch on these topics. none offers a better treatment of the subject than does Jim ~Ioodr. Concert Lighting is a useful book for lighting designers at all le\·els. although those \rith extensire experience in touring and concert lighting \rill be familiar \rith the technical information. The book is an excellcnt resource for studenlS of lighting design and lhose \rith experience in olher lighting genres who are considering a more into the concert industrr. Studenls mar be surprised br 1\loodr's frcqucnt repetition of lhc nOlion that thc production practices taught in thc world of acadcmia mar not bc as universal as onc expects. ~Ioodr's thoughts on design process. \rorking \rith music. and lhe usc of color translate easilr to other performancc mediums. particularlr dancc. Thc tcchnical information about touring cquipmcnt and temporarr installalions is uscful for the resident theatrical dcsigncr \rho is contcmplating a morc to industrials. The book is brimming \rith practical informalion. but some of thc commcnlS thaI rCnCCl l\loodr's pcrsonal valucs and \rork cthic mar be crcn morc important. Throughout lhc tcxt. ~Ioodr is cmphatic about thc importancc of \\'orking safe 1\". rcspccting collcagucs. CON LIGHT!" and taking responsibilitr for one's actions. There is also an emphasi on approaching design \rith a clear understanding of all the technical and human elements inrolred. Thc second edition of Concert Lighting is an excellent update of the earlier text. The scgments on the histon of rock and roll lighting and those relating 10 prcproduction actiritics hare not changed extcnsivcly since the first edition. Other areas hare been expanded to discuss innorations in thc arailable technology and computcr resources. Concert Lig!Jting is dirided into four major eClions: The Concert Lighting Ficld. Equipment Designcd to Tra\'el. Practical Examples of Techniques. and Cross-~Iedia Lse of Techniques. The first segment is an orerrie\r of the concert industrr that treats topics ranging from legal documents used br the lighting designer to tour personnel and the conccrt lighting plol. This section also covers road safetr. The chapter on Tour Personnel has becn revised to rcnect the changes in the Wa\'S lours arc nO\\' managed and produced. An expanded segment on fall protection renccls lhe current emphasis on OSH:\ concern. 1\loody uses a reprilll of the article "Fall Protection for Arena ShO\rs" b\' ROCk'," Paulson and Stere 'ielson that \\'as originallr published in the \\"illler. 1996 issue of TD&T. The second segment. Equipmelll Designed to Trarel. offers a good treatment on the basic equipment used for touring. especiallr trusses. lifts, and hoists. The chapters on lighting consoles and the chapter on moving fixtures have been expanded from the first edition material. Moodr"s lreatment of moving lights offers fascinating historical information. Afair amount of current product information is also included. but it primarilr centers on fixtures offered br VariLight Inc.. ~lorpheus. and High End. Section Three. Practical Examples of Techniques. offers one of the most interesting additions. two ne\r chapters about realized design \rork. ~Ioodr includes color photographr of \rork br himself. Peter ~Iorse . .Jeffrer Raritz. and Willie Williams. The included interrie\rs and biographies offer some real insights into the \rork of each designer. Segment Four. Cross-mcdia Lse of Techniques. has also been significantl\" dereloped. Of particular interesl are the chapters relatcd to telerision and video. Theoretical concepts are complemented by examples of ~Ioody"s realized \rork. The only disappointmcnt \rith thc second edition of Concert Lighting is that ~Ioody did not choose to applr the same in-depth treatment to corpOl'ate theatre and industrials. Concert Lighting could be used as a specialtr text for an adranced dcsign class because it offers a cohesire presenlalion of concert design proccss and rcl;tted lechnical informalion. 1I0wever. it olJl'iouslr \ras not \\Tittcn \rith that purpose in mind. The slyle is much more narratire lhan lrpical imroductorr lextbooks. ~Ioody also offcrs a much more complcle analysis of thc design projecl. hc discusscs. Thc production \rork documcmed in the book is not thcrc simplr as an cxamplc of somc aspcct of the principles of lighting dcsign or the tools of thc trade. That in-depth prcscntation is part of \rhat makes lhis book such a treat. Concert Lig!Jting offers the rcadcr an opportunity 10 hcar thc unique roicc of a mastcr dcsigncr. .Jim ,\Ioodr. RcvicI\"CC1 br Ellcn E. Joncs. Lnil'crsitr of Florida. Gaincsrille TD&T I \I \1 I j{ I I) I) H 8.1