AGE, GENDER, AND EDUCATION Over olle-tbird of members are betweell tbe ages of 35-44 alld Ilearly olle-balf are betweell 45-54, tbree-quarters are male, and Ilearly tbree-quarters of members bave obtained a master's degree. "\~1tich of the following categories does your age fall intoT' "\~Jat "\~11at is the highest acadentic degree that you have obtained?" H.SJtwo-yearl technical is your gender?" Bachelor's degree 35-44 70% 45ยท54 Male Master's degree PERCEI\'ED VALUE OF MEMBER SERVICES USIIT's Annual Conferellce & Stage E.\'jJo and TD&Tjoul"llal were rated most valuable mel1lbersbip services, over one-balf also rated tbe work of tbe commissions as very valuable. Annual Conference & Stage Expo 70~o TD&T Journal Sightlines Newsletler 51% 54% "Please indicate how valuable each of the following USIIT membership services is to you." Work of Commissions 48% "Please indicate how valuable each of the follo\\~ng USIIT membersltip sefl~ces is 10 your organization." Annual Membership Directory L.-------I USITI Web Site (not applicable) Availability of Member Listings Individual Members (204 responses) Organizational Members (54 responses) PERCEIVED MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS Networking, followed bJI conferences and publications were identified as key benefits bJ'Individualmembers. Illformation access, pnblications alld conferences were idelltified as key benefits by Organizatiollalmembers. Networking 44% Infonmation Access Conferences Publications Publications Conferences Industry Infonmationl Education Keeping up lvith Technology Nothing Discountsllnsurance Other Individual Members (204 responses) 31% Marketing Communication "\~11at would you identi~' as the key benefits of SlIT membership'" (multiple responses allowed) Industry Recognition Trade Shows Networking Nothing 14% Other "What would. "~I identify as Ihe key benefits of SlIT member:" (multiple re~'" ,cs allowed) Organizational Members (54 responses) TD&T \l;'INTER I 998 73