✶ Paul Hartis spent over a decade as a puppet maker for the Muppets with Henson Productions. Currently he works as a wardrobe specialist for Saturday Night Live and as a props specialist for The Lion King. In his spare time he enjoys performing for New York audiences as Orangeena. Orangeena was recently seen on the cover of Blade, a local New York gay publication and in the Style section of the New York Times. His last performance was entitled The Passion of Orangeena ("she was in her fourth trimester of pregnancy"). "Ogee's not been with anyone for way over a year. Bummer, so I don't know exactly how this pregnancy thing happened. And no, I don't think anyone whispered in her ear." ✶ (contact: Pahartis@aol.com) Paul Hartis United States Yoshikawa Touryu Japan ✶ "I usually begin to focus on creating my mask by listening to public radio or sometimes karaoke music. [He also meditates on the little altar in his studio, shown below.] I don't rest or wait for inspiration. If I have an order I work it out right away. The finish of the mask has to be especially well timed. I prefer the traditional use of natural fibers and layers. Sometimes I work in the middle of the night if the proper finish requires it." Yoshikawa Touryu often makes traditional versions of Noh masks but he specializes in his own design of a mask that represents his region's dragon spirit. Local masked dancers mimic the dragon with undulating movements and gestures simulating the rolling mountainous terrain. The dragon mask often has horns to create more ferocity in addition to movable lively eyebrows and mouth as well as popping eyes. ✶ (contact: yashushi@shimane-med.ac.jp) 40 W I N T E R 2 0 0 5 TD & T