KEYNOTE ... that is also what pushed us to reach so far, what if we can do this? The Good Woman of Setzuan * Scenic and Lighting Design * University of Houston, 2008 people you are involved with now are your company for today; the people you meet today might be your connections for the future. Continue to seek out the people that excite you, that challenge you and are supportive of you. Be open and willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your dreams. Find a mentor. We all need and should have one. But most of all stick with it. Remember, never move forward until you get the beginning right. This is your beginning and your chance to get it right. By the way, I have an opportunity for some of you. I am looking for two graduate students-one set designer and one lighting designer-to join me at the University of Houston next year. It is up to you to seize this opportunity. v S P R I N G 2008 theatre design & technology 15