Figure 5. Fest della Porchetta, 1657. THeATRe oN THe PIAZZA mAggIoRe, 1657 Figure 5 is an amphitheatre in the shape of a boat built on the Piazza Maggiore in Bologna in 1637 for the traditional Festa della Porchetta.11 The large boat is an arena situated between the Podesta in the right of the picture and the cathedral, San Petronio, on the left, whose steps are still a favorite gathering place in the evening. The large building in the background is a shopping arcade. This is another celebration whose theme is taken from mythology. This time it is the Trojan War and the boat is intended to be a Greek vessel. The festivities take place in an arena surrounded by booths for spectators. Activities within appear to include wagons along with hand-to-hand combat. A noble coach is seen inside the arch in the stern of the ship. Emblems on the flags flying from the masts announce the Bolognese themselves. It is a genuine civic event. The heading in the drawing reads: D. O. M.12 WITHIN THIS SHIP A MOST WORTHYAND SALUTORY EVENT TOOK PLACE IN THE YEAR MDCLVII. IN THE MONTH OF AUGUST BEING A SPECTACLE PROVIDED FOR A LARGE NUMBER OF HIGH SPIRITED PEOPLE MOST PLEASANT, FESTIVE AND PROFOUND, THE ILLUSTRIOUS & EXAULTED STANDARD BEARER & HERCULEAN PELSINEI BY NAME FOR ETERNITY JOYOUS FOLLOWERS COMMEND THE ILLUSTRIOUS M. MARCHIO FRANC. ANGELLUS VEX. IVST.13 The legend on the stern of the boat reads: On the right: "ANGELVS SIGNIFER ILLE." The site represents Troy. On the left: (undecipherable). S U M M E R 2008 theatre design & technology 29