Milwaukee Ballet; Act II Carousel scenic rendering. Milwaukee Ballet; Mother Cigogne costume sketch. Did you ever get a chance to design with Heeley? No, but I got to know him a bit because we were both working at the Guthrie at the same time. I was in awe. Who influenced you scenically? It's very hard not to be influenced by a strong designer like Ming Cho Lee when you are a student. I don't mean in an imitative way, although when you are young that sort of happens. He is a brilliant designer and I learned a lot from him. He taught me how to read a play and to understand opera through the music. 14 theatre design & technology F A L L 2009 Milwaukee Ballet; Mother Cigogne's children costume sketches. You have an interesting point about the music because that's a huge part of what you have to go on when you're designing for dance. I think one of the reasons I've done so much opera and ballet is because of my affinity for and love of music. I don't read music. I just have a real feel for it, an understanding.