Section through theater showing various architectural and structural elements. © Leo A. Daly. concrete walls support steel roof framing, which in turn support an intricate system of pulleys capable of flying over eighty tons of scenery. To resist the large downward and lateral force imparted by the pulleys at the counterbalance point, a large, built-up structural steel beam was designed and is supported from the stage house walls. A steel gridiron hangs from the roof steel that provides the crew's platform almost eighty feet above the stage. below the gridiron are two more intermediate fly gallery platforms from which to hang smaller scenery pieces. Some interesting transformations were required to nest this intricately decorated theater within the confines of the existing structure. The exhibit floor of the existing structure was de- F A L L 2009 signed to support heavy live loads-250 pounds per square foot. (As a frame of reference, typical offices are designed for fifty pounds per square foot of live load.) This structure would definitely support a theater if not for a thirty-two-foot-wide trench right down the middle. The beams at the trench edge came equipped with continuous steel embeds that previously supported a removable theatre design & technology 63