Photo of actress Kseniya Chernyshova and her individualized hair and makeup sheet template. Photo of Jessica B hill as Gwendolyn; and left, her hair and makeup sheet. Designer isabelle Crabtree. (Photo by Joni DuFour.) same method that is used to create the costume template can also be used to create individualized hair and makeup templates for each actor. Our method of creating a line drawing that follows the exact contours of the actor's face is very helpful in designing details such as hairstyles, hats, jewelry, and custom-made masks. It is quite a special experience for the theatre artist to work from a face tem- 54 theatre design & technology S U M M E R plate that looks exactly like the actor. There is an uncanny sense of a more personal connection with the actor, which only adds to the process of doing good work. The actors, as well, have reacted with enthusiasm to the individualized face templates. I have noticed a tendency for the actors to follow the individualized make-up sheets more thoroughly than the generic make-up templates that we had previously used. 2009