GREEN at the UNIvERSITY teaching green by being green by paul Brunner and Ellen E. Jones Indiana University scrap racks for sheet goods. t he Live Design International conference (LDI) has offered programming focusing on greening theatre production for two years. Robert Usdin, owner of Showman Fabricators and one of the most active proponents of sustainability in theatre production, was tapped as the organizer for the first Green Day focus at LDI. The initial Green Day Conference in 2009 was so successful that Usdin included two days of programming on the topic at the 2010 Conference in Las Vegas. LDI is a popular trade show for industry professionals, but it also attracts many educators and students. Usdin realized that changing entertainment industry production practices requires participation from those teaching the next generation of designers and technicians. He asked three teaching professionals to participate in the 2010 Green Day Think Tank session entitled "Green at the University: Teaching Green by Being Green." spring 2011 theatre design & technology 21