winter volume 47 n number 1 36 departments 10 10 46 THE HISTORY OF THE BROADWAY COSTUME BUSINESS DANCINg AROUND DESIgN, part two 49 59 HOlY COW: Staging Boucicault's The Shaughraun by Patrick M. Finelli and Jason Winfield Before it could take advantage of a rich archive of material about a nineteenth-century playwright, TheatreUSF's technical director first had to find a huge fiberglass cow. 36 advertisers 80 jEAN-jAqUES ROUSSEAU on the Paris Opera 1760 THEATRE MINDS IN IMMERSIvE DESIgN by Frank P. Ludwig A new approach to design for narrative performance, called "5D, the future of immersive design," has both students and seasoned professionals excited. by Brad Berridge Dance, being a temporal and flexible art form, is both a source of frustration and excitement for a sound designer. 28 59 inside usitt 78 by C. Thomas Ault The state-of-the-art theatre in 1770 was satirized by Rousseau as home to "painfully disagreeable" performances. by Triffin Morris and Gregory DL Morris The Broadway costume business today has a core of around ten commercial shops. 20 book reviews 68 technology the subtext 9 & n t h e a t re d e s i g n 2011 lORE & lEgENDS: OSCAR g. BROCkETT by Richard D. Stephens He changed the way theatre history is taught. 64 MONSTERS & TRANSFORMATIONS: BAROqUE PERFORMER-OPERATED DEvICES by Frank Mohler Technologies used in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to animate centaurs and dragons can still be found on Broadway in the twenty-first century. ClASS NOTES WITH BROCk by Margaret Mitchell After long years of a great career, Dr. Brockett still loved to learn. on the cover photo by Jonathan Williams Baritone James Maddalena as Simon Powers in the new opera Death and the Powers by Tod Machover. w i n t e r 2011 theatre design & technology 3