summer volume 49 n n number 3 departments 10 book reviews 68 34 42 USITT KeynoTe AddreSS 2013 by Rob Goodman LeAvIng WeST vIrgInIA (W=vA): Responsible Stage Electrics for Educators and Early Career Technicians 54 creATIng [bUSIneSS] InTeLLIgence In An ArTISTIc WorLd by Tim Kaufmann Decoding the National Electrical Code. TheATre deSIgn & ProdUcTIon reImAgIned: Four Principles for a Sustainable Future How to plan and implement database applications to help managers quickly make informed decisions. 64 by Paul Brunner and Michael Mehler A technical director and a designer review best practices in theatre sustainability. 34 moUnTIng An exhIbIT of hISTorIcAL coSTUmeS Preparation included accurately dating the dresses, altering dress forms to fit Victorian figures, and cleaning, repairing, and steaming everything. by Deanna Fitzgerald 24 42 by Sabrina Notarfrancisco Risk and responsibility are at the core of all theatre endeavors. 16 advertisers 80 USITT Stage expo 2013 KcAcTf AWArdS 2013 by Rafael Jaen The design and allied crafts awards are expanding in both the number of awards and participants and the benefits received by the student recipients. by David Grindle Growth in exhibitors and attendees, lots of new products, and a diverse set of special exhibits. on the cover Normandale Community College's award-winning production of Known but to God by Anne Byrd. Student Mathew Foster received a first-place national KCACTF award for his props design. technology 16 the subtext 8 & to the editor 6 t h e a t re d e s i g n 2013