usitt office DaviD GrinDle executive Director carol b. carriGan Director of Finance & Human resources lori Furcincito Finance assistant Janet Gramza communications associate SHannan HoerGer member Services associate barbara e.r. lucaS Director of communications Jim lucaS marketing Sales and Services associate monica l. merritt Director of member Services ron ProcoPio Stage expo manager, Special events coordinator cHriStine troScHer education & training coordinator 315 South crouse avenue, Suite 200, Syracuse, nY 13210 800-938-7488 / 315-463-6463 fax: 866-398-7488 / 315-463-6525 e-mail: board of directors lea aSbell-SwanGer President SHerrY waGner-HenrY Secretary Dan culHane treasurer DaviD KraJec vice-President for commissions marK SHanDa vice-President for communications DaviD w. will vice-President for conferences marKeta Fantova vice-President for international activities martHa marKinG vice-President for members, Sections & chapters tom HacKman vice-President for Programming Daniel DenHart vice-President for Special operations Joe alDriDGe immediate Past President directors at large 2011-2014 JacK Feivou JenniFer l. Knott anDi lYonS Kevin riGDon loren ScHreiber Joe tilForD 2012-2015 KaSeY allee-Forman bill browninG aleSSia carPoca micHael meHler linDa PiSano carolYn Satter 2013-2016 Paul brunner taYneSHia JeFFerSon micHael Katz elYnmarie Kazle robert ScaleS Kim Scott s u m m e r 2013 theatre design & technology 5