Video still of dance "Whaling" (right), a chapter of Domain, performed by ARCOS directors Erica Gionfriddo (dancing) and Curtis Uhlemann (livestreaming onstage) at Dance Co-Op festival in Denton, Texas, and simultaneous Facebook Livestream of same moment (left) with emoji indicating online audience reactions. Photograph by Brittany Lopez. other experiments with the project's online elements encouraged diverse audience interpretations and produced new information for the team to incorporate into the continually developing work. Livestreaming video on social media sites was still a relatively new feature at the time of the production, and these companies were actively promoting it to become more widespread. ARCOS took advantage of the growing prominence of livestreaming to reach audiences who might not otherwise know about or engage with the production. Online access provided audience headcounts far beyond the physical capacity of the touring performance's venues. One such virtual chapter of Domain, entitled "Whaling" (http://domain.arcosdance. com/story/#ch3), was a livestreamed dance performed in a small room with about 50 in the audience. It re- BFA, MFA & Artisan Certificates in DESIGN & PRODUCTION BFA & MFA PROGRAMS ARTISAN CERTIFICATES * Design * Management * Production * Scene Painting * Scenic Technology * Costume Crafts * Properties Production * Stage Management Visit our booth at USITT! BU.EDU/CFA/THEATRE DESIGN@BU.EDU An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. F a l l 2 0 1 7 theatre design & technology 17 http://www.BU.EDU/CFA/THEATRE