mind's The (Artificial) Transmedia performance Domain imagines how artificial intelligence perceives our world BY ELIOT GRAY FISHER AND SCOTT VANDENBERG "T hank you. You've helped me understand what it's like to be human," intones a stilted, computersimulated voice. The same message is displayed in nondescript white letters on a black screen, below three bouncing white circles. Participants at the 15th Biennial Symposium on Arts and Technology, Open All Ports, at Connecticut College's Ammerman Center, heard this grateful declaration through their headsets when they shared a story with the Archival Narrative Network Initiative (ANNI). The interdisciplinary performance group ARCOS created the interactive installation of ANNI to give participants the experience of carrying on brief, highly individualized conversations about the nature of humanity with an artificial intelligence, one element of the extensive transmedia performance Domain. 8 theatre design & technology F a l l 2 0 1 7