Technical Director Jeff Stiefel with 3W speaker for Nell's boot. Photo by Niluka Hotaling. Adafruit provides an easy-to-follow tutorial on their website that is comprehensible for novices and seasoned sound experimenters alike. These tutorials provide an overview and tour of the soundboard and amplifier with wiring schematics and detailed instructions for wiring pinouts, copying audio files, powering the FX board, triggering audio, creating and naming audio files, applying advanced control, and troubleshooting. Building the sound-vest within the proscribed $250 budget was Stiefel holds the 20W amplifier unit in its plastic project case. Note the on/off switch for the battery. Holes were drilled into the unit to run out speaker wire. Photo by Niluka Hotaling. BUILDING THE BUSINESS OF SHOW BUSINESS S p r i n g 2 0 1 7 theatre design & technology 15