negative environmental impacts. Carbon fiber recycling is challenging; recycling processes depend on the type of carbon fiber material used. Recycling can potentially damage the carbon fiber, and the process utilizes extreme heat and solvents, which then creates hazardous waste and requires significant energy consumption. Researchers are working on more efficient and more successful ways to recycle the material using low heat and milder solvents that do not destroy the carbon fiber. There are concerns that the recycled product is not as strong as the original, so the recycled material is not always useful for the same applications. Recycled carbon fiber is often used for low structural pieces such as sporting equipment and consumer products and automotive applications, like 3D printing, etc. There are many companies that specialize in carbon fiber recycling, and each has its own requirements on how it handles pickup and shipping, as well as what type of material it accepts. It is not as easy as just taking it down to the local recycling plant, but once a recycling company is found, it should be a relatively Carbon Fiber Compression Column Test: Catastrophic Failure Point SPRING 2019 | THEATRE DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY | 33