CWL_Spr2019_OB Farm Ad_IIQ_1906_F.pdf 1 2019-05-30 2:55 PM What does learning have to do with being an insurance broker? C M At The Commonwell, we think 'learning' gives us and you, our broker partners, a competitive advantage. Learning helps us tailor ideas to the unique businesses, farms and assets of our neighbours. Learning helps us understand a changing world; like is a cottage still a cottage or a year-round estate? Or is a farm still just a farm or a technology-rich enterprise? We think the more we learn, the better we serve our policyholders and you, our partners. That's what learning has to do with being an insurance broker. Y CM MY CY CMY K Call a Commonwell business development representative to learn more: 1-855-436-5883 WWW.IBAO.ORG 33 JUNE 2019 http://http:// http://http:// http://WWW.IBAO.ORG