RECRUITING AS AN INDUSTRY -LET'S DO IT BY BRETT BOADWAY, DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, IBAO A t the time of writing this, we've just pressed send on our 2019 Member Survey. The results aren't in, but I'm willing to make an easy bet: recruitment and retention of talent at your brokerage will be listed as a very significant and current challenge for the majority. Anecdotally we hear it all the time. "How can the IBAO help me find staff?" Or the hardest question, "Where's the best place to find an experienced Commercial Lines Producer?" Short answer: low supply, high demand... there's no secret pool of talent hidden anywhere. The competitive and attractive win. From our perspective, anecdotal member feedback on this challenge draws a very straight line between member value and an association-driven recruitment strategy. A collective effort to attract great talent to this opportunity-filled profession will be effective-so we're in. Let's do it. AUGUST 2019 18 WWW.IBAO.ORGhttp://WWW.IBAO.ORG