The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 28




im Wylie is the Principal Broker at Wylie
Insurance Brokers. He and his brother
bought the brokerage from their parents
in 1995.

"Our family's history in insurance goes back to
my great grandfather, who was one of the original
Directors of Howick Mutual about 125 years ago."
Tim spent three years on IBAO's Board of Directors
and is wrapping up a year-long position on the
Executive as 1st Vice Principal. But he finds time
to volunteer in a very different capacity for Victim
Services-a volunteer organization that provides
short-term support to people affected by crime
and sudden tragedies including domestic disputes,
sudden deaths and house fires.
"Office staff get a call from community stakeholders
or first responders saying there's a situation
requiring an on-site volunteer," says Tim. "The
coordinator puts it out to volunteers who've signed
up for the shift. We get the details and we go. We're
on the road within five minutes of getting the call."
Although there are dedicated shifts, a call could
potentially come any time.
"Sometimes, because it's volunteer, there's a gap
where nobody's signed up for that shift and they'll
send a text to all volunteers for assistance."


"We empathize with the victim, but because we
aren't as emotionally attached to the event as
victims are, we're not drawn right into it. We guide
them through what's going to happen in the next
hour, three hours, two weeks, and help prepare
them however we can.
"If needed, the office follows up by connecting
the victims to councilors and other resources.
There are lots of social programs out there that the
general public doesn't know about and we're able
to arrange those resources with permission from
the victim."
Having Victim Services on-site helps first responders
who are on scene.
"Feedback from first responders is 100% positive. It
allows them to do what they're trained to do. Quite
often the volunteer acts as a go-between for the
victim and the police. We're not dressed in uniform,
so we're probably more approachable."
Victim Services does preventative work including
raising awareness about human trafficking and
teaching people what warning signs to look for. In
the event of a workplace fatality, they'll work with
the company to ensure employees have someone to
talk to.

Once they're on the scene, Victim Services
volunteers provide support in a number of ways.

Tim enjoys being able to help people through difficult
times. There's an overlap between the comfort he's
able to provide during his volunteer work and during
his role as a broker.

"We kind of parachute into a person's life, often on the
worst day of their life. On a typical call, we stay until
their family or personal support shows up. I'm usually
out for three to four hours.

"If you're my client and you've suffered a loss, I'm
able to walk you through the next few steps of what's
going to happen, the same way I would with Victim
Services. It's very rewarding."




The Ontario Broker - December 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Ontario Broker - December 2019

In This Issue
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - Cover1
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - Cover2
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 3
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - In This Issue
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 5
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 6
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 7
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 8
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 9
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 10
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 11
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 12
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 13
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 14
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 15
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 16
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 17
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 18
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 19
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 20
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 21
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 22
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 23
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 24
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 25
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 26
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 27
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 28
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 29
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 30
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 31
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 32
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 33
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 34
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 35
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 36
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 37
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 38
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 39
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 40
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 41
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 42
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 43
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - 44
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - Cover3
The Ontario Broker - December 2019 - Cover4