The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 45

" When cannabis was
legalized, it felt like I was
part of Canadian history.
The industry took off and
I was learning something
new every day. "
With a background in
e-Learning, the path that led
Ravi to the IBAO has been anything
but boring, including working for the
Canadian College of Naturopathic
Medicine, the Real Estate Council of
Ontario, and Multi-Health Systems-an
organization that publishes scientifically
validated psychological assessments.
" At Multi-Health Systems, I managed
the learning management system (LMS)
for certification programs, specifically
the EQ-i 2.0, EQ 360, and Pearman
Personality Integrator. When certified
in these assessments, clients typically
use them in hiring or for coaching and
development purposes. I also had
the opportunity to liaise with really
interesting organizations like the FBI. "
In 2018 when cannabis was legalized
in Canada, Ravi was working as an LMS
Specialist for Meta Growth-a cannabis
company with a national footprint.
" When cannabis was legalized, it felt
like I was part of Canadian history. The
industry took off and I was learning
something new every day. One thing
I've taken with me from that role
is my advocacy on the benefits of
cannabis and speaking about the
endocannabinoid system which has
links to appetite, pain, inflammation,
cardiovascular system function... it
amazes me that only 15% of medical
schools teach students about it. "
Currently Business Process
Coordinator, Ravi's focus is on user
experience and operational efficiency.
" I'm looking at optimizing the workflow
for eLearning registration and user
experience in terms of administering
courses to members, which will
include scoping for a new LMS vendor.
Recently, I was on a project to launch
the online RIBO licensing exams, where
I got to pilot test as an exam candidate
with our online proctoring service and
drafted communications that would
go out to exam candidates. " Ravi's also
on IBAO's EDI Committee and recently
completed a DEI in the Workplace
Certificate through the University of
South Florida.
In his spare time, Ravi volunteers as
Board of Director for the Canadian
Learning Trust-a charity that
promotes lifelong learning and helps
people in financial need pursue their
learning endeavours. He enjoys getting
outside whenever he can. " I've been
going to Toronto Island. I'll catch the
ferry over and relax on the beach. I also
like visiting Albion Hills Conservation
Area to go hiking with friends, it's
very tranquil. You notice so many
ecosystems as you're walking through
the forest. The air is a bit different-it
feels cooler and there are so many
different species of trees. It's a really
nice experience. "
When he's not taking in nature or
volunteering his time, you'll find him
participating in regular millennial things
like Netflix and Chill, watching Jeopardy
or trying new vegan restaurants. " I've
been vegan for about 15 years. It
started off as a challenge with a friend
of mine and ended up sticking. At
first I just wanted to be healthier. I'm
a big advocate for animals, so I also
wanted to change my lifestyle in how I
contribute to society-you reduce your
carbon footprint by reducing your meat
intake. It was hard in the beginning
but now it's second nature. I love
checking out new vegan restaurants
in Toronto-my favourite is a Tibetan
restaurant called Karma's Kitchen. Even
if you're not vegan, you'll definitely find
something you love. "

The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4

In This Issue
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - Cover1
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - Cover2
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - In This Issue
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 4
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 5
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 6
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 7
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 8
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 9
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 10
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 11
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 12
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 13
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 14
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 15
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 16
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 17
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 18
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 19
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 20
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 21
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 22
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 23
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 24
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 25
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 26
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 27
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 28
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 29
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 30
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 31
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 32
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 33
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 34
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 35
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 36
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 37
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 38
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 39
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 40
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 41
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 42
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 43
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 44
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 45
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 46
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 47
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - 48
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - Cover3
The Ontario Broker - Volume 21, Issue 4 - Cover4